Highest Health

27 - J Gulinello Pt. I | For the Love of Delicious Local Food & Health Sovereignty

Natasha Dasaro

Join in on this episode of Highest Health’s conversation with J Gulinello from Perpetual Health co.

I’m delivering this conversation in two parts since (funny enough) just when the conversation was at its juiciest our technology decided to kick us off the call. So stay tuned for part II.

In this episode we start off with J’s background and his emergence in the health education sphere and move onto:

  • Avoiding the oncoming train of chronic disease
  • His experience working at a hospital during the pandemic
  • Mandates
  • Trusting your gut and what you see 
  • Evidence based medicine and nutrition vs authority based medicine and nutrition
  • The Amos Miller Organic Farm Case 

J can be found at

Instagram: @perpectualhealthco

Website: www.perpectualhealth.co

He has an ancestral wellness retreat coming up in a few weeks at the end of September which might already be sold out but keep it in mind for next year, because it’s a one of a kind retreat!

Okay now tune in for Part I!

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