Highest Health

17 - Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride, MD | All Disease Begins in the Gut

Natasha Dasaro

This episodes guest is Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride, MD inventor of the GAPS protocol (Gut and Physiology Syndrome or Gut and Psychology Syndrome). Dr. Natasha graduated with honors as a Medical Doctor from a University in Russia and gained post graduate degrees in both Neurology and Human Nutrition.  

Episode details:

  • The power of treating illness via the connection from our gut to our brain 
  • Our relationship with all the microbes predominantly in our digestive system but also throughout the rest of our body

The community of bacterial microbes we host in our body is one of the most important aspects of our health, if not the most important. It can be what keeps us performing at our Highest Health or what makes us fall into chronic life force depleting pain or disease. 

The protocol that Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBribe, MD discusses is the GAPS protocol, you’ll hear more from her on this later. In short, there are different variations of this protocol. The power of this protocol is not to be under appreciated as people have recovered fully from both conditions and diseases like the ubiquitous depression & anxiety that we all too commonly hear about to recovering from the chronic diseases that we have been told are either genetic diseases, there is no cure for them and or that this is a life long sentence such as Multiple Sclerosis, epilepsy, hashimoto’s, schizophrenia, autism, rheumatoid arthritis, bi-polar disorder, psoriasis, systemic psoriasis, colitis and one’s I never heard of before. These people are put on the GAPS nutritional protocol and these diseases disappear. 

I hope this episode helps you increase your vital life force and live closer to your highest health. 






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